Story is a powerful way to build compassion and bridge understanding between cultures. Story has the power to heal as well as teach.

Beyond Boundaries · Essays and tidbits from Nancy Bo Flood

Old Faithful

Is there anything ever-changing water can’t do?

September 1, 2015

  Water is ever-changing as it runs through, disappears, collects, and evaporates. Water freezes into glaciers, falls as a snowflake, drips from an icicle. Water stirs a spring seedling into…

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Hydrologists look deep inside, finding ancient water in unlikely places

August 25, 2015

Now imagine you are looking DOWN, deep in the earth, at least several hundred feet. Beneath the surface of our western deserts, hydrologists have found pockets of ancient water –…

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Wouldn’t you like a nice, WARM drink of water? Try it. It’s good for you!

August 20, 2015

Water helps us cool down when we get too hot. Drinking a warm glass of water energizes, soothes a headache, and can relieve asthma. How does warm water help you…

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It’s all right to cry, flamingo

August 18, 2015

Flamingos are one of the few land creatures that can drink salt water and live. That is because they excrete (get rid of) the deadly salt by crying. Flamingos cry…

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An ode to teardrops

August 13, 2015

When Water Weeps Drops Falling From my eyes Flow down my face This is how I say   I care

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Prune People? Raisin Kids? Water protects us

August 11, 2015

The water inside you is salty, like ocean water. And if this water dries up, what a life-less prune-person, raisin-kid, mummy-man you would become!

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Ursula LeGuin

Ursula Le Guin’s take on Atticus and Scout

August 6, 2015

This quote from Ursula K. Le Guin’s review of Go Set a Watchman intrigued me: “Watchman isn’t free of childishness — its author was still pretty young — but its goals…

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Beyond wet dogs: is there water on Pluto?

August 4, 2015

Water runs through countries, continents, and into oceans. Water creates watersheds, communities, that connect us all. We are linked around the globe from beginning to end by water. Now as…

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