Walking Grandma Home
A story of grief, hope, and healing
Nancy Bo Flood, Ph.D. · Illustrated by Ellen Shi

Activity Pack
A remembrance guide with a variety of activities is available. Children can choose from a variety of activities and create their own way of remembering a special person:
Walking Grandma Home is a book from my heart, a story that comes my own childhood experience of my little sister's death and also my professional experiences as counselor, educator and author. I hope Walking Grandma Home will be useful to parents, teachers, librarians or counselors - and most important, young readers and listeners.
Books can help us heal.
I believe that the right book, the well-told story, can open a child's heart to ask questions, express emotions, and begin important dialogues.
The author's note includes suggestions for further conversations with a child and descriptions of shared activities that invite a parent, counselor or teacher to share memories, possible fears, or other feelings.
Read Marion Dane Bauer's essay, A Gift to Share, on Walking Grandma Home
I am a bit overwhelmed with Marion's words. I just need to sit with the white silence of winter outside my window and give thanks. For life. For writing. For my students snd teachers like Marion, my family, friends. You, my readers. And My grandmother who held me after my sister’s death and reassured me that time will help us heal. The journey never ends but it is a good journey and one that has given me gifts to share and has made me who I am.
In gratitude,
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