Story is a powerful way to build compassion and bridge understanding between cultures. Story has the power to heal as well as teach.

Beyond Boundaries · Essays and tidbits from Nancy Bo Flood

kona sunset by Nancy Bo Flood

Sunrise and Sunset

June 8, 2012

Driving Mom home at sunset, we stopped the car by the beach. Near the water’s edge sat an old couple. As the red ball of sun began to slip behind…

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Sand to Stone and Back Again by Nancy Bo Flood

Heart, You’ve Got to Have Heart

June 7, 2012

But, you may argue, I am writing a nonfiction nature book…or a fantasy…or picture-book biography. It doesn’t matter. If you want your reader to keep turning the pages and at…

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Alice Coachman

Read a Book with Your Child this Summer

May 18, 2012

Read a book with your child this summer – every day, enjoy book-time! Think about chosing a few picture-book biographies to look at together, no matter how old your child…

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wild things

On Sendak and Wild Things: Readerkidz Remembers a Giant

May 11, 2012

Originally published at Maurice Bernard Sendak (June 10, 1928 – May 8, 2012) Readerkidz Deb Gonzales says: “Years ago, I directed a large summer arts camp for kids ages…

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The Writing Life by Annie Dillard

Sitting Down to Write is Just Plain Hard

April 26, 2012

Writing is fulfilling and soul-feeding – but it’s also just plain hard.  Each time I sit down to write, I feel I am leaping off a cliff only to land in a…

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Nancy Bo Flood

Why I Teach

March 23, 2009

Who Are These People?  Who Are These Online Students? “I am leaving the country today and I will not have access to Internet until Wednesday or Thursday of next week.…

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Nancy Bo Flood

Desert Wind, Spring Wind

March 11, 2009

Listen to a performance Desert Wind, Spring Wind by Bo Flood, at Performed by Pablo R., Dana R., Rebecca O., and Jon R. A performance poem in two voices, published in…

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Chief Crowfoot

What is Life?

March 10, 2009

What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs…

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