Beyond Boundaries · Essays and tidbits from Nancy Bo Flood
I have been pulled toward the subject of suicide since I was a teen despite its stigma, and worked on my first suicide hotline when I was eighteen. That’s because as an adolescent I struggled not only with depression but with some periods of suicidality, and I understand the dangerous power and seduction of it when one is suffering mental despair.
Read MoreS.D. Nelson, Standing Rock Sioux, author and artist, meticulous researcher, passionate about the history of his people, his ancestors, his homeland, Indian and white, has written the epic story of Crazy Horse and Custer.
Read MoreBeing process not a thing, not matter more thoughts and this poem Singularity by Marie Howe (after Stephen Hawking) Do you sometimes want to wake up to the singularity We once were? So…
Read MoreImagine this. During the pandemic your schools have been closed for over a year. The nearest public library is over 70 miles away. There are no bookstores.
Read MoreMy holiday gift to all, two special books, quickly read but words and images that will stay with you and rekindle hope and gratitude.
Read MoreDuring this season of giving, I wish to give thanks and to honor Rose Tahe, friend and co-author of First Laugh, Welcome Baby.
Read MoreHozho. May we all walk in beauty. In harmony. In kindness.
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