Story is a powerful way to build compassion and bridge understanding between cultures. Story has the power to heal as well as teach.

Beyond Boundaries · Essays and tidbits from Nancy Bo Flood

Feel the Beat

Feel the Beat

March 9, 2021

After Jari Majewski-Price, the co-founder of Feel the Beat, read I Will Dance she invited me to share ideas and inspiration to create more books about movement, music, rhythm and the children and adults who are deaf and differently-abled and their joy from movement and dance.

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Fault Lines in the Constitution

Fault Lines in the Constitution

February 9, 2021

Fault Lines in the Constitution—The Graphic Novel: The Framers, Their Fights, and the Flaws that Affect Us Today written by Cynthia Levinson & Sanford Levinson graphic art by Ally Shwed…

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Hop to It: Poems to Get You Moving

The Pomelo Poets

December 22, 2020

What would I call the flock of Pomelo poets—over 200—who created poems for Hop to It: Poems to Get You Moving? I take inspiration from the birds. Imagine hundreds of…

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Dancing During Covid-19, Finale

December 15, 2020

I Will Dance celebrates the joy of dancing, the importance of belonging, and the determination of a child who could barely move but dreamed of dancing … not imagine, not pretend, and not alone. Come and watch them dance.

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Eva and Piper

Behind the Book: I Will Dance

December 8, 2020

Why did I write I Will Dance? I watched this unique community of dancers—all abilities, all ages—dance with such joy, my own tears tumbled down. What did I see and hear? …

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Kindness to All

November 24, 2020

I am the child of immigrants. My father’s father was orphaned at 14 and walked from the family farm near Prague to northern Germany to buy passage on a ship…

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Lexi in "Vox Veritas"

Dancing During Covid-19, Part 4, Lexi’s Story

November 10, 2020

Here is Lexi’s story, directly from Lexi herself: “At the time of writing this, I’ve been in dance for 7 years. I have danced with Young Dance in Minneapolis, Minnesota…

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Young Dance troupe

Dancing During Covid-19, Part 3, Ava’s Story

October 27, 2020

Ava is not a quitter. Ava weighed less than one pound when she was born early, 14½ ounces to be exact. That is less than a can of pop. Ava…

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