Happy birthday, Clean Water Act!

October 22, 2015

(Photo credit: Freeimages.com/Anthony Eden)

America celebrated an important birthday this week.

The Clean Water Act turned 43. Essentially, the law said water belonged to everyone. Public waterways couldn’t be used by businesses as liquid garbage dumps any more.

America’s waterways found incredible bipartisan support in Congress. The Act passed the Senate without a single vote against it. The House of Representatives didn’t even tally individual votes. A simple voice vote by all House members proved the legislation was unopposed.

When President Nixon vetoed the bill, The Senate and House met on the very same day, voting to override the veto.

On an October day in 1972, Thanksgiving came early. Cleaner water became the law of the land.

Nancy Bo Flood

As a fish-brain surgeon or a rodeo poem wrangler, I have loved stories. I strongly believe that words – in poetry or prose – help heal our hearts and give us new eyes to see the world. I was first a research psychologist studying brain development at the University of Minnesota and London University before following my passion – writing for children. Learn more...