Posts Tagged ‘Poetry’
You don’t have to be good or first
Not even smartest or most right.
If you are kind, that is what our world needs most.
To the writer, put this magnet on your refrigerator door, and reflect on this poem.
Read MoreLet your imagination soar
I would like to share my favorite poem which I read to my writing students every workshop I teach. Let your imagination soar.
Read MoreThe stillness of poetry
A poem for you to enjoy … let the words roll around in your mouth like candy … the images cause you to imagine … and smile
Read MoreA Mary Oliver Poem
This summer, a tribute to some of my favorite poems and poets. from Mary Oliver’s poetry collection Devotions, an excerpt from “From the Book of Time”: I rose this morning…
Read MoreThe Pomelo Poets
What would I call the flock of Pomelo poets—over 200—who created poems for Hop to It: Poems to Get You Moving? I take inspiration from the birds. Imagine hundreds of…
Read MoreMany Ways We Tell Our Stories: Poetry in Public Places
An homage to storytelling in Thunder Bay, Ontario, quoting from “The Dimness of Mothers and Daughters,” by Marilyn Dumont. From the plaque (because it may be hard to read): “This…
Read MoreLaughter and Word Play
Try a limerick. Write one with a friend, laugh a little, giggle, piggle. Choose two words: for starters, try moon and spoon. Make a list of real and nonsense words that rhyme: doom, gloom, room, boom, ploon, groom, stoom, ploom. The only rule is—have fun! Poetry often makes us laugh!
Read MoreEarth
Ages ago, I began as a tiny grain of sand at the bottom of the sea. Millions of other sand crystals surrounded me. The ocean’s water pressed and pressed until we cemented into stone…sandstone! You began as one tiny cell, as small as a grain of sand.
Read MoreRemembering Rose A. Tahe
I first met Rose when she was a student in a graduate level children’s literature class I was teaching for Northern Arizona University on the Navajo Nation. I wondered why Rose was seeking special certification in reading when she already had her master’s degree and probably was near retirement age.
Read MoreDesert Wind, Spring Wind
Listen to a performance Desert Wind, Spring Wind by Bo Flood, at Performed by Pablo R., Dana R., Rebecca O., and Jon R. A performance poem in two voices, published in…
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