Posts by Nancy Bo Flood
A Mary Oliver Poem
This summer, a tribute to some of my favorite poems and poets. from Mary Oliver’s poetry collection Devotions, an excerpt from “From the Book of Time”: I rose this morning…
Read MoreRead at Home
Remember when you were a child and how fun it was to have your very own copy of Highlights … or any children’s magazine? Children haven’t changed. Research shows that…
Read MoreMental Illness, the Unwelcomed Elephant in the Great Green Room of Children’s Literature
No one escapes taxes, death, or mental illness. Directly or indirectly, we are all affected by mental illness, our own or someone we care about. Almost everyone—as a child or…
Read MoreGrandmother
I don’t think about bank accounts, bills to be paid, and my list of “to do today” when I awake. I look outside my window … cloud bottoms are good-morning…
Read MoreA book for Earth Day
Let the information, the emotions, the ideas, and ideals of Nelson Mandela fill you head and heart.
Read More“The Peace of Wild Things”
As we prepare to honor Earth Day on April 22nd, reflecting on our important stewardship—take care of this earth and the earth will take care of all—with clean air, food,…
Read MoreFeel the Beat
After Jari Majewski-Price, the co-founder of Feel the Beat, read I Will Dance she invited me to share ideas and inspiration to create more books about movement, music, rhythm and the children and adults who are deaf and differently-abled and their joy from movement and dance.
Read MoreFault Lines in the Constitution
Fault Lines in the Constitution—The Graphic Novel: The Framers, Their Fights, and the Flaws that Affect Us Today written by Cynthia Levinson & Sanford Levinson graphic art by Ally Shwed…
Read MoreThe Pomelo Poets
What would I call the flock of Pomelo poets—over 200—who created poems for Hop to It: Poems to Get You Moving? I take inspiration from the birds. Imagine hundreds of…
Read MoreDancing During Covid-19, Finale
I Will Dance celebrates the joy of dancing, the importance of belonging, and the determination of a child who could barely move but dreamed of dancing … not imagine, not pretend, and not alone. Come and watch them dance.
Read MoreBehind the Book: I Will Dance
Why did I write I Will Dance? I watched this unique community of dancers—all abilities, all ages—dance with such joy, my own tears tumbled down. What did I see and hear? …
Read MoreKindness to All
I am the child of immigrants. My father’s father was orphaned at 14 and walked from the family farm near Prague to northern Germany to buy passage on a ship…
Read MoreDancing During Covid-19, Part 4, Lexi’s Story
Here is Lexi’s story, directly from Lexi herself: “At the time of writing this, I’ve been in dance for 7 years. I have danced with Young Dance in Minneapolis, Minnesota…
Read MoreDancing During Covid-19, Part 3, Ava’s Story
Ava is not a quitter. Ava weighed less than one pound when she was born early, 14½ ounces to be exact. That is less than a can of pop. Ava…
Read MoreDancing During Covid-19, Part 2, Ne’ha’s Story
Toss aside any stereotype ideas and images you might have about someone with a disability, especially CP, Cerebral Palsy. Meet Ne’ha, quite an accomplished young woman—already an author, dancer, rights…
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