Posts by Nancy Bo Flood
Books about War and Refugee Children
At the Hawaii’ Children’s Literature Conference which was held in Honolulu this June, with co-presenter, Jessica Powers, we talked about the importance of writing honestly about war, terrorism and being a refugee. My talk included descriptions of teaching activities, for younger students as well as teens, that can be used with a variety of books. I believe that our challenge as writers is to not avert our gaze. Our responsibility is to write with honesty. May we celebrate books that tell the stories children want to hear, stories about their own experiences. Children thrive on truth as we all do.
Read MoreSunrise and Sunset
Driving Mom home at sunset, we stopped the car by the beach. Near the water’s edge sat an old couple. As the red ball of sun began to slip behind…
Read MoreHeart, You’ve Got to Have Heart
But, you may argue, I am writing a nonfiction nature book…or a fantasy…or picture-book biography. It doesn’t matter. If you want your reader to keep turning the pages and at…
Read MoreAn Interview with Author, Nancy Bo Flood by Jaye Robin Brown
An Interview with Author, Nancy Bo Flood was published May, 2012 in Hanging on to Wonder, a blog by author Jaye Robin Brown A month ago, I received a blind…
Read MoreRead a Book with Your Child this Summer
Read a book with your child this summer – every day, enjoy book-time! Think about chosing a few picture-book biographies to look at together, no matter how old your child…
Read MoreOn Sendak and Wild Things: Readerkidz Remembers a Giant
Originally published at Maurice Bernard Sendak (June 10, 1928 – May 8, 2012) Readerkidz Deb Gonzales says: “Years ago, I directed a large summer arts camp for kids ages…
Read MoreSitting Down to Write is Just Plain Hard
Writing is fulfilling and soul-feeding – but it’s also just plain hard. Each time I sit down to write, I feel I am leaping off a cliff only to land in a…
Read MoreHans Christian Andersen Awards 2012
by Nancy Bo Flood Hans Christian Andersen, yes, we love the stories he gave us. Their universal themes of compassion and tolerance are as relevant today as ever. In his…
Read MoreOutstanding International Books 2011
by Nancy Bo Flood Celebrating the best of children’s international books of 2011! Outstanding International Books is a project of the United States chapter of the International Board on Books…
Read MoreNo-Name Baby
The Great War, like all wars, left wounds that rippled through communities and families, sometimes in unexpected ways. To survive World War I, Sophie’s family did the best they knew, the best they could, even if it meant burying family secrets. And then, life changed.
Read MoreWanted: Books written by or about contemporary Native Americans
Every child needs to see their own people and their own experiences in the books they read: yet in the United States less that 5% of children’s books published are…
Read MoreWarriors in the Crossfire
Warriors in the Crossfire looks at one boy’s experience of impending war – war fought by two nations, Japan and the U.S. – on the Pacific island of Saipan
Read MoreSand to Stone and Back Again
Secrets of Sand to Stone takes readers on a journey through time to understand how the landscape of the desert Southwest is the result of many forces and great change over long periods of time.
Read MoreBeyond Bows and Arrows, Books about Native Americans
Nancy Bo Flood, Ph.D., author and educator In this booklist I have selected books that encourage readers to be aware of and to celebrate contemporary native characters as individuals. I…
Read MoreWhy I Teach
Who Are These People? Who Are These Online Students? “I am leaving the country today and I will not have access to Internet until Wednesday or Thursday of next week.…
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