Turning fog into much-needed water

September 29, 2015
In a desert like this, there is water. Not always in the ground, but in the air!

In the Atacama desert, there is water. Not always in the ground, but in the air! (Photo Credit: Freeimages.com/Vinicius Casagrande)

People who live in the driest desert on earth use huge nets to catch fog and “harvest” water.

The Atacama in Chile is an “absolute desert,” but over one million people live there, grow food, and survive by capturing the moisture in fog.

Nancy Bo Flood

As a fish-brain surgeon or a rodeo poem wrangler, I have loved stories. I strongly believe that words – in poetry or prose – help heal our hearts and give us new eyes to see the world. I was first a research psychologist studying brain development at the University of Minnesota and London University before following my passion – writing for children. Learn more...