October 19, 2021
You don’t have to be good or first
Not even smartest or most right.
If you are kind, that is what our world needs most.
—Nancy Bo Flood
Enjoy this poem about kindness by Mary Oliver:
Why I Wake Early
Hello, sun in my face.
Hello, you who make the morning
And spread it over the fields
And into the faces of the tulips
And the nodding morning glories,
And into the windows of, even, the
Miserable and crotchety —
Best preacher that ever was,
Dear star, that just happens
To be where you are in the universe
To keep us from ever-darkness,
To ease us with warm touching,
To hold us in the great hands of light —
Good morning, good morning, good morning.
Watch now, how I start the day
In happiness, in kindness.