Posts by Nancy Bo Flood
Turning fog into much-needed water
People who live in the driest desert on earth use huge nets to catch fog and “harvest” water. The Atacama in Chile is an “absolute desert,” but over one million…
Read MoreHow much water do you use daily?
Most people in the United States use about 100 gallons of water each day. People who do not have “running water” use less than five gallons of water a day.…
Read MoreCounting your blessings, drop by drop
What if you turned on the faucet—and nothing came out? Flush the toilet. No water there either. Hmmm. . . Try all the faucets in the house and school. Nothing!…
Read MoreTaking the too-long walk for water
Add up all the miles women and children in South Africa walk. For water. Every day. Sixteen trips to the moon and back, Every day, For water. from page 41,…
Read MoreWatersheds: the neighborhoods built around moisture
Rain falls, washes into streams or soaks into the earth, and joins with water from many places to support an environmental community, a watershed. A watershed includes all the plants,…
Read MoreBlood in our veins, water in our world: life’s two connectors
Imagining our bodies as a biological watershed helps us understand the importance of each part of an environmental watershed. Water, not blood, is the main “connector.” (from page 32, Water…
Read MoreNature’s trickle-down remedy to water pollution
Water that falls on forests, parks, or live vegetation, soaks slowly into the earth. It often takes years before this water becomes part of the surface water again. During those…
Read MoreEvery water journey begins with one step
How are glaciers made? I tell how in my poem that begins: Capture one Snowflake. —from Chapter Five (page 27), Water Runs Through This Book, by Nancy Bo Flood
Read MoreIs there anything ever-changing water can’t do?
Water is ever-changing as it runs through, disappears, collects, and evaporates. Water freezes into glaciers, falls as a snowflake, drips from an icicle. Water stirs a spring seedling into…
Read MoreHydrologists look deep inside, finding ancient water in unlikely places
Now imagine you are looking DOWN, deep in the earth, at least several hundred feet. Beneath the surface of our western deserts, hydrologists have found pockets of ancient water –…
Read MoreWouldn’t you like a nice, WARM drink of water? Try it. It’s good for you!
Water helps us cool down when we get too hot. Drinking a warm glass of water energizes, soothes a headache, and can relieve asthma. How does warm water help you…
Read MoreIt’s all right to cry, flamingo
Flamingos are one of the few land creatures that can drink salt water and live. That is because they excrete (get rid of) the deadly salt by crying. Flamingos cry…
Read MoreAn ode to teardrops
When Water Weeps Drops Falling From my eyes Flow down my face This is how I say I care
Read MorePrune People? Raisin Kids? Water protects us
The water inside you is salty, like ocean water. And if this water dries up, what a life-less prune-person, raisin-kid, mummy-man you would become!
Read MoreUrsula Le Guin’s take on Atticus and Scout
This quote from Ursula K. Le Guin’s review of Go Set a Watchman intrigued me: “Watchman isn’t free of childishness — its author was still pretty young — but its goals…
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