Marianas Islands Legends
Bess Press, Hawaii
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-57306-101-8
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-57306-102-5
Marianas Island Legends: Myth and Magic is a collection of stories, poems, and oral histories contributed by people of all ages living in Guam and the Commonweath of the Northern Mariana Islands.
The culture of history of these beautiful Pacific islands is celebrated in retellings of traditional myths and legends of the Chamorro and Carolinian people, folklore and historical tales, and descriptions of present-day arts, customs, and beliefs.
Lovely woodcut illustrations enhance the selections throughout.
Compiled by Bo Flood and illustrated by Connie Adams, this anthology of myths from the middle of the Pacific Ocean offers a rare and delightful glimpse into the oral history of the Marianas Islands.