Double Bubble Gum Trouble

Time for running across the lawn under the sprinkler. Riding a bike to the neighborhood park and meeting up with friends. Swinging ever so high, almost up to the sky, and Bubble Gum time!

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Welcome to the Wonder House

Welcome to the Wonder House

Treat yourself to Welcome to the Wonder House, winner of the Lee Bennett Hopkins Award. It will win your heart. Read my recommendation …

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American Indian Youth Book Awards

A Letter for Bob

Excellent new literature written and illustrated by Native authors and artists is blooming. I am excited to share a few recently published books recognized with the prestigious American Indian Youth Literature Award.

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TLA Panel

I’m heading to Texas wearing a couple of hats:  psychologist and author of books that address aspects of mental illness.

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The Rights of Children

Small Places Close to Home Deborah Hopkinson

In celebration of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, recommended books and resources.

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Three Quiet Books

The Sound of Kindness

Once in a while a book comes along that quietly is a WOW, a yes, a pleasure to read and share with a child.

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Progress Report

Highlights High Five

Rotarians worked with two “grassroots” Navajo nonprofits, Read at Home and Chinle Planting Hope, to support lifelong literacy and community development.

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Crayon Boy

broken crayons

We called him Crayon Boy. On the playground, away from teachers, we made fun of him while waiting for our turn to jump rope. I could tell he could hear us. 

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Tiny Jumper

I hope young readers will understand the determination and perseverance that Tiny Broadwick used to make her life what she wanted it to be.

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Books are for Sharing

The Sharing Book

Holiday time … a time we search for special presents for children and grandchildren … nothing better than a beautiful book, a gift enjoyed again and again as child and adult share memories and moments.

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Let America Be America Again

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemeter, Washington, DC

In honor of veterans of all the many wars fought to create, obtain, or defend liberty for ALL as a fundamental value of our country.

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