The Gift of Old Friends

July 7, 2023

The gift of being with old friends, Anna Yamada, special education teacher on Saipan for over 30 years.

Nancy Bo Flood and Anna Yamada

Nancy Bo Flood and Anna Yamada

Together we worked to develop programs and resources for children with special needs. When Anna speaks in sign language it is beautiful to watch. She developed courses in sign language at Northern Marianas College. We also worked together to offer education courses so local students at the college could receive a full bachelor’s degree in education and become teachers on the island.

These next two weeks, I am part of the guest faculty to offer an educational symposium to teachers to increase the awareness of the effects of war on these islands in the western Pacific. Few Americans are aware that these islands are part of the United States.

Nancy Bo Flood

As a fish-brain surgeon or a rodeo poem wrangler, I have loved stories. I strongly believe that words – in poetry or prose – help heal our hearts and give us new eyes to see the world. I was first a research psychologist studying brain development at the University of Minnesota and London University before following my passion – writing for children. Learn more...